When it comes to learner drivers, avoiding potholes is an essential. Potholes can pose a significant risk to both the vehicle and the driver, causing damage to tyres, suspension systems, and even leading to accidents. The prevalence of potholes has led to increased concerns among both drivers and local authorities. For those taking driving lessons or their driving test it is important to know how to avoid potholes and what to do if it is unavoidable to drive through a pothole.
Potholes are not just minor nuisances; they can cause serious damage to vehicles, leading to costly repairs for drivers. Moreover, they can also pose a significant danger to road users by causing accidents or forcing sudden swerves to avoid them.

During your driving lessons your instructor will help you observe and respond safely to hazards, including potholes. A local driving instructor will know the area well and help you anticipate any problems and teach you the required skills to negotiate these hazards safely. If you do spot a pothole you should steer around it, as long as that doesn’t cause a risk to yourself or any other road user. If you are unable to do this then you should adjust your speed and drive over the pothole as slowly as possible to reduce the risk of damage to your tyres and car.

Moreover, by actively avoiding potholes during driving lessons, you will gain confidence in handling unexpected road conditions. Drivers will also become better equipped with the necessary skills to make quick decisions and manoeuvre safely around obstacles that may arise while driving. Potholes can cause flat tyres, damage to suspension, wheel damage, and problems with the steering wheel alignment.

If you are not able to avoid driving through a pothole, you should find a safe place to stop as soon as possible after the pothole and check your vehicle for obvious signs of damage.

Ultimately, incorporating specific training on avoiding potholes into driving lessons is crucial for learner drivers’ overall development as responsible and skilled individuals behind the wheel. It empowers them with the knowledge needed to navigate challenging road conditions confidently while prioritizing their safety and that of others on the road. Ideally, the roads will be fixed but until then all drivers should know how to react..