Learning to Drive: Know the Distinctions between Pelican Crossings and Zebra Crossings

When learning to drive, it is crucial to understand the distinctions between different types of crossings, such as pelican crossings and zebra crossings. As a new driver, having a clear understanding of these crossings will not only ensure your safety but also help you navigate the roads confidently.

Pelican crossings and zebra crossings are two common types of pedestrian crossings that you will encounter during your driving lessons. Your driving instructor will explain the differences between these crossings and teach you how to approach them correctly. You will also need to have a thorough understanding of the rules in the Highway Code for your Theory Test.

Pelican Crossings

A pelican crossing is equipped with traffic lights and pedestrian signals. It allows pedestrians to press a button to activate the lights, which then stops the traffic flow, allowing them to cross safely. As a driver, it is essential to be aware of the signals at pelican crossings and respond accordingly.

Zebra Crossings

On the other hand, zebra crossings have distinctive white stripes painted on the road. Unlike pelican crossings, zebra crossings do not have traffic lights or pedestrian signals. You should be prepared to stop when approaching a zebra crossing. You are legally required to stop at a zebra crossing once a pedestrian has moved onto the crossing.

When queueing in traffic you must leave pedestrian crossings clear. You must take extra care if the view of a crossing is blocked as a pedestrian may be crossing. Failure to stop once a pedestrian has moved on to a crossing could result in 3 points and a £100 Fixed Penalty Notice.

During your driving lessons, your instructor will provide guidance on how to approach and assess any hazards for both pelican and zebra crossings.