Monthly Archives: November 2022

23 11, 2022

Are learner drivers allowed on the motorway?

November 23rd, 2022|

The rules changed in 2018 and learner drivers are now allowed on the motorway. Motorways can seem quite intimidating for many learner drivers. But the experience does mean that you improve your skills and prepare for driving once you have passed your test. A learner driver must be accompanied by an approved driving instructor. [...]

16 11, 2022

Parallel Parking

November 16th, 2022|

For some learners and experienced drivers, parallel parking is a manoeuvre that can be difficult. This is the one manoeuvre they find the most difficult, we will help you break the manoeuvre into sections so that you master each section at a time. With our instruction and top tips, you will be able to [...]

9 11, 2022

Learning to Drive Later in Life?

November 9th, 2022|

When people mention driving lessons, they assume that nearly all students will have just passed their 17th birthday. However, while teenagers and people in their early 20s do make up a large proportion of the learners we have, there are many people who leave it until a little later in life to start learning. [...]